How to Care for Your Lawn in Winter


Autumn has come to a close and the weather is getting colder every day. Preparing your lawn for cold weather and frost protects your yard so it can come back stronger and more beautiful than ever!

Follow these tips to give your turf the winter TLC it deserves:

Aerate and Fertilize Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn helps reverse compaction that may have happened over the warm summer and autumn months. Fertilizing your lawn is another way to protect and prepare your lawn for cold weather. The grass holds the nutrients in its roots until spring arrives, then it draws from those nutrients to grow back strong and lush.

Watch the Lawn Traffic

Grass weakens when people walk over it, so be careful to avoid walking on your lawn too much in the winter. Keep paths clear or create walkways around your yard to reduce foot traffic through your grass.

Keep Your Lawn Clean

If you’ve ever owned an above-ground pool, you know that crushed grass is dead grass. Grass that can’t get light or nutrients will suffocate and die, which is why it’s important to keep your lawn clear of any obstructions or objects.

Raking loose leaves will prevent them from getting damp and smothering your lawn. Alternatively, consider mowing over the leaves to create a natural mulch that will help your lawn grow. Pick up any patio or lawn furniture that won’t be used during the winter and put away any extra firewood that may be laying out.


Caring for your lawn appropriately helps to prevent weeds, disease, and pests from encroaching on your yard once it warms up again. Contact the professionals at River’s Edge Lawn and Landscape for winter lawn care service or snow removal services.
